We are very happy to introduce Polona Pozeg, who will be the second research member featured on the website for two months (we have recently decided to give each researchers two months, rather than one, to present their research). Polona obtained her PhD in cognitive neuroscience at the Ecole polytechnique de Lausanne in Switzerland. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Radiology at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (Lausanne).
During her PhD, she investigated multisensory and sensorimotor mechanisms of the sense of self. She was interested in how the bodily self-consciousness, in particular the sense of body ownership and agency depend on the integration of multimodal sensory and motor signals, how these processes are altered in certain clinical conditions, and how they can be experimentally manipulated. In her research she used approaches developed by cognitive neuroscience, i.e. creating bodily illusions with multisensory conflicts through the use of virtual reality and robotics.
In July and August, Polona will write about her research in the field of bodily self-consciousness.